Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
Designing your grand rounds/Case conferences/ M&Ms/ Journal Clubs for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credits.
- The activity or its content is peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers who are not the author(s). The process of peer review means that the activity or educational materials are reviewed by other physicians who are sufficiently familiar with the subject matter of the activity or material to be able to render an opinion as to whether the activity or materials align with the learning objectives and are fair, accurate, and free of commercial bias. No one from the Planning Committee can be part of the Peer Review process.
- One reviewer can review the overall course content (gap, educational need, desired results, and objectives) and another reviewer must review all presentations pertaining to MOC.
- Design an evaluation component that measures the impact of the activity on the physician learners’ knowledge, strategies/skills, performance, and/or patient outcomes.
- Mechanism to evaluate varies:
- Case discussion, written response, ARS, quiz, simulation, and digital diary to name a few. Note that
• A minimum participation threshold demonstrating physician learners’ meaningful engagement in the activity - 70% is the passing score.
• Feedback to the participant must include learner results with rationale for correct answers or attainment of applicable skill(s) and include relevant citations where appropriate.
• If using Q&A at least a minimum of 3 case vignette questions for the Post Test;
at least 1 question from each speaker if multiple speakers;
• Journal clubs 2-3 questions related to article and addition to other assessment questions
- Completion data will be shared with the ACCME in order to transmit the MOC information with ABIM on behalf of the participant upon successful completion. Data to be shared includes: ABIM ID, First Name, Last Name, DOB (mm/dd), Activity Completion Date. And MOC points.
- Department will submit the evaluation questions to the Office of CME, we will setup the evaluation online and provide the link to learners.
The Office of CME will award MOC points when the following have been received:
- Copy of the evaluation tool (e.g., multiple–choice, fill-in-the-blank, or longer-form tests; written or shared responses; or other formative and summative content-relevant exercises);
- Verification that the content of the activity was peer-reviewed by two physician reviewers who were not the original authors/presenters/planning committee need to be sent to the Office of CME: the name, credentials, affiliations and qualification of the reviewers and the results/conclusions of the reviewers.