CME Resources

Grand Rounds Renewal Application for the 2024-25 academic year begins July 1st, 2024.

The new fee for Grand Rounds - is $500 per Activity.

The Application can be used for CME Credits, Social Workers CE, and Physical Therapy CEUs. Nursing Credit is also available. Contact us for the documentation.

 Process for CME Certification


Contact the Department of CME before planning and begin reviewing CME Policies.
*Access appropriate documents here.


Complete the CME Application and Planning Document*

*Required for all activities requesting CME credit.
For meetings other than grand rounds, please contact the office of CME for required documentation. Annual meetings require Needs Assessment documentation.


Submit CME application materials and receive preliminary CME approval from the Office of CME.


Obtain disclosures from all planning committee members
Disclosures can be completed online. The form must be completed by all individuals in a position to control content (planner, speaker, author, moderator, etc.).

Forward this link to your presenters to fill out the disclosure online.



Begin marketing your event

The Office of CME must review and approve all marketing materials prior to printing and/or distribution to ensure compliance.

*** The CME department must review and approve all advertisement/marketing materials before printing and distribution. No mention of CME credits can be made on marketing materials unless the CME department has provided official CME approval (one cannot state that CME credit is pending or being applied for or other similar languages).


Forward your activity documentation to the Office of CME on a monthly basis.
(scan and forward via e-mail, create a drop box, or send hard copies)

Questions? Contact us at 718-270-2422 or

Timeline for Submission of CME Applications

All CME applications must follow the following minimum submission timelines:

Annual Meetings

8 weeks prior to the meeting date.


(national or international audience):
12 weeks before the meeting date. 

Regularly Scheduled Series

(grand rounds, tumor boards, M&M, etc.):
3 weeks prior to the first meeting
in which CME credits will be offered.

Internet-based Activities

(live and/or on demand):
4 weeks before the
expected release date.










*Late submissions may result in an additional CME application fee. 

Other Resources

CME Transcripts/Certificate Request


 To make payments, click here 


ABIM MOC CME Application

for other MOC credits such as quality or patient safety activities, please contact the Office of CME.

To fill out the disclosure form online, go to: DISCLOSURE





- How to Complete the CME Application 

 CE Educator's Toolkit

For other resources for completing your CME application, click here.                                                                               



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