Where Medicine Meets Public Health: WIC
Starts On:
Tue, 9/6/2016: 5:00 AM
Ends On:
Sat, 9/8/2018: 5:00 AM
Internet Activity Enduring Material
Click here to view the brochure.
Click here for references for additional study.
Password to view video presentation: WIC (all caps)
Click here for references for additional study.
Password to view video presentation: WIC (all caps)
* Describe the problem of underutilization of WIC in Illinois.
* LIst the requirements for participation in the WIC program.
* List the benefits available through the WIC program.
* Identify basic outcomes of WIC participation.
* Apply the Ellyn Satter concepts of division of responsibility in feeding.
* LIst the requirements for participation in the WIC program.
* List the benefits available through the WIC program.
* Identify basic outcomes of WIC participation.
* Apply the Ellyn Satter concepts of division of responsibility in feeding.
SIU School of Medicine & Illinois Public Health Association & Sangamon County Health Department