Online Courses

9 matches found
Title Type
Preventing Intentional Self-Poisoning in Youth: A Toolkit for Vermont Health Care Providers FY 2022 Enduring Material 
Epic Upgrade Training EM FY 2024 Enduring Material 
High Value Care Pathway - Hypertension Enduring Material 
High Value Care Pathway - Weight Loss Medication Enduring Material 
High Value Care Pathway - Diabetes Management Enduring Material 
High Value Care Pathway - Colorectal Cancer Screening Enduring Material 
High Value Care Pathway -Suicide Screening Enduring Material 
High Value Care Pathway - CKD Care Pathway Enduring Material 
High Value Care Pathway - Alcohol Use Disorder Care Pathway Enduring Material 

This is the My Credits / Application portal for the University of Vermont Office of Continuing Medical and Interprofessional Education.

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